125 kHz systems

TS-R380 / RW380

The TS-R380 / RW380 is a compact read/write module with internal or external antenna.

Easy-to-use, Windows-based reader and programming software.

TS-R380 / RW380


The TS-R380 / RW380 is a compact read/write module with internal or external antenna for reading and programming almost all known 125 kHz transponders.

The following transponder types are supported:
Unique, Hitag1, Hitag2, HitagS, Hitagµ, Q5, Titan, EM4305, EM4569, ATA5575 M2 and ATA5577

4 different versions are available as data interfaces.

  • USB-HID interface
  • USB COM port emulation
  • Ethernet interface
  • RS232 interface (19200, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no protocol)

The system can optionally be combined with a display, buzzer or mounting plate.

Contact us
size 80 x 80 x 28 mm
Size with mounting plate 100 x 80 x 31 mm
Reading distances up to 100 mm
(depending on the transponder size)
Frequency 125 MHz
Operating temperature -10°C to 55°C
Power supply USB via USB interface,
Ethernet or RS232 with external 5 Vdc
Interfaces USB-HID, Ethernet or RS232
Baud rate (RS232 only) 19200, others optionally possible
Input / output (optional) LCD display, Summer
Transponder types Unique, Hitag1, Hitag2, HitagS, Hitagµ, Q5, Titan, EM4305, EM4569, ATA5575 M2, ATA5577 and SIC7888
Item number Designation Interface
TS-R380-USB 125 kHz RFID reader USB-HID/COM
TS-RW380-USB 125 kHz RFID combination system USB-HID/COM
TS-R380-Ethernet 125 kHz RFID reader Ethernet
TS-RW380-Ethernet 125 kHz RFID combination system Ethernet
TS-R380-RS232 125 kHz RFID reader RS232
TS-RW380-RS232 125 kHz RFID combination system RS232
All systems are also available as OEM modules!